Today we talked about pizza! Something to be grateful for is food and one of my son's favorite foods is pizza so I thought it was a great time to use it for a theme!

We first watched this video about visiting a pizza parlor. Then we read "The Pizza That We Made" which is a fun book that goes through the steps of making a pizza.
We had fun with this Pizza Printable Pack.
This is also a fun activity. There is a copy that your child can color and there is a colored copy. I thought it was a little too challenging for my son to cut, but he had fun gluing pieces of the pizza together.Here is what the colored copy looks like cut up and pasted together. Once it was glued together my son put it in the oven (it wasn't turned on). I turned the timer on and when it dinged we got it out, he let it cool, and this is him pretending to eat it.
My son wanted to do a free hand drawing of a pizza in a rectangular shape. Here it is. :)
Last time one of my older son's got a personal sized pizza from the book-it program with Pizza Hut I saved the box so I could use it for this theme. My little guy was real excited to pretend with it.
Here is his "cooked" pizza all ready to eat. We pretended to make and bake his pizza many times.
For dinner we made our own personal sized pizzas. Sometimes I make my own dough, but often I will use Rhodes Rolls. My son's all like the way it tastes and they have fun having little pizzas of their own. Here is my son working on flattening out the dough.
They were all excited to make their pizzas and eat them. My youngest usually just wants cheese, but decided to have some pepperoni's on his today. He must have liked them okay enough because he finished it.
We also had fun with some online pizza games. On there the perfect preschooler game called Peg's Pizza Place. Starfall's letter P activities has some pizza stuff and they also have some fraction related activities.
Many years ago when my oldest was younger than my youngest is now I did a pizza theme with him. I went all out and spent the entire week talking about pizza. We even turned our living room into a Pizza Parlor. I am not that exciting anymore, but you can check it out in my blog post here.
Here are some other pizza themed links that are great resources.
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