Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Giant Ice Cube Fun

Last night I filled a large plastic bowl full of water and added some plastic animals to it and stuck it in the freezer so we could have some giant ice cube fun today!
We took a variety of tools for Dad's tool box.  I explained how they worked and let the boys pick out which tool they thought would work best for chipping away the ice.
 Here they are with their picks on which tool would work the best.

 Then they got to test the tool they picked.  After that they got to take turns using all the tools.

 They loved doing this activity and trying out the different tools.  The chisel worked real well, but the thing they like doing the most was using the hammer by itself to chip the ice away.
We were able to chip all the ice away and free their little plastic animals.  They really enjoyed doing this activity.  I have a feeling we will be doing it again sometime.

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