Monday, July 8, 2013

Parade Fun!

Last week I kept things relative low-key.  We did several coloring pages and activities centered around the 4th of July that I found on  I thought it might be on the lame side, but I kids thought it was great, lucky me!  On Thursday we went to our little city's parade.  My kids LOVED that!

 On Friday one of the boy's aunts from out of town was here visiting and I was getting ready for us to leave town so we didn't do anything extra aside from playing with her and packing.

As a result of being out of town (and not planning a head on my part) today we just visited different websites that have online books.  They enjoyed doing that and it didn't require any extra planning on my part.   Here is a link that lists several good places to go for online reading and story telling.
Now I have to get myself in gear so I have plans for the rest of the week.  My oldest makes sure I have plans and isn't very happy with me when I don't.  

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