Thursday, July 11, 2013

Dissolving Rocks

 Last night I made these "rocks" so that they would be hard and we could dissolve them today.  I found the instructions here. They are super easy to make you just need baking soda, water, and food coloring.  I didn't measure anything just mixed and stirred.  I did it myself so I could surprise the boys with putting little plastic toys inside.  Mine are not overly pretty, good thing they didn't care!
 This afternoon to dissolve them we just poured white vinegar over the rocks.  It of course made them foam and fizzle and dissolved the baking soda.  My boys got a big kick out of it and an even bigger kick when they realized their were surprises inside!
Today is also 7-11 so we walked down to the 7-11 near our house and got ourselves a free slurpee!
Yesterday we pulled out our Hexbugs and had fun playing with those.  I like to pull out toys that we don't use every day for activities once in a while.  They love to do it and it is a good chance to play with the toys that we don't get out everyday.
If it seems like I am keeping things low-key and simple this year it is because I am!  I am also trying to do things that are free or cost very little.  I hope they are still interesting to read about because we have been having fun with what we've done already.

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