Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Preschool Theme

My older two boys are back in school and I am back to doing preschool with my 4 year old.  I'm going to try and let him take the lead as to how often we do preschool.  I don't want either of us to get burned out so while we will have "big" days, most days will be pretty low key.

Today we talked about a favorite book, Chick Chicka Boom Boom.  It is a great time to review the alphabet.  My son is reading now so I thought he had all his letters and there sounds down pat, but as we were going through I realized he'd forgotten some so I am glad we did this so I can work on reminding him of every letter and it's sound.
I read the book to my son, then he read it to me.  Then we watched this video a couple of times.  It has such a catchy little tune to it.

Something that I want to work on this year with my son is having him practice writing his name properly.  This site will allow you to type in what you want traced and you can print it out, really helpful.
 I hid alphabet cards around the house and had my son find them.  When he found them he had to tell me its name and the sound it made.  Then he wanted to hide them so I could find them and I told him the name name and sound.

Then we went through the alphabet cards and he found the letters to his name and spelled it out.  After that we counted how many letters are in his name.
 Kinder Alphabet has some great Chicka Chicka Boom Boom printables including alphabet cards and a few activities like this one where you match the upper case letter with the lower case letter.
Since we were talking about the alphabet as well we also watched Leap Frog's Letter Factrory Movie.  This is a great movie for learning letter names and sounds.

Here are some more ideas for a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Theme:

These links will give you a list of activities:

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