Friday, December 20, 2013

Book of Mormon Christmas Preschool Theme

We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  One thing that I like to do at Christmas time is talk about what happened in the Book of Mormon leading up to and when Christ was born.  We spent a little time doing that today.  There are not tons of resources out there, but what is out there is really worth using.
 Beyond Bethlehem:  A Book of Mormon Christmas by David Bowman is an awesome book that tells about Samuel the Lamanite and Nephi praying for a sign of Christ's birth right before Jesus is born.  The illustrations are fun and the book help explains what is going on in the Book of Mormon in the perfect way to keep kids interested.

I also tried to get my son to act out the story of Samuel the Lamanite by climbing onto our piano bench and I threw marshmallows at him (instead of rocks and arrows).  I took a turn being Samuel the Lamanite too.  Confessions of a Slacker Mom has an entire printable pack about Samuel the Lamanite.

Chocolate on My Cranium also has a great FHE lesson devoted to Christmas in the Book of Mormon.
There is also an article from a Friend Magazine in 1985 that is perfect for this topic.
You can also see what I did in 2011 with my middle son.

Merry Christmas!  We will be taking a break from preschool until the beginning of the year.

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