Thursday, October 17, 2013

Letter P/Pumpkins Part 2

This is the second part of our Letter P/Pumpkin activities.  You can see the first part from yesterday here.

What better way to talk about pumpkins than to visit a pumpkin patch!  We did that together as a family before my hubby went to work.  We have a great time and it is a great hands on experience for the kids.

Here are my beautiful children making jack-o-lantern faces for me.  
 Guess what my little guy found all on his own?  Two letter P's!  He was so excited about it too.
Looking at all the pumpkins.
My little man picked out a pumpkin just his size.
Another thing we did at home was cut open a pumpkin and look inside.  My oldest was the only one that would reach  in and get some seeds out.  Usually, I only have one taker and it just depends on who it is.  
I like to have my kids paint their pumpkins.  It is so much easier than carving and doesn't lead to so many frustrations. 
Here is my little man with his painted pumpkin.
Tomorrow we will do a few activities with the pumpkin seeds that we pulled out of one of the pumpkins.

Check out part 1 of this post here and part 3 here.

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