Friday, September 14, 2012

Ocean- Sting ray and wrapping up the week

Today we touched a little on sting rays.  We went to National Geographic Kids for facts and a video about sting rays.

We also did some of the activities from the preschool packs I posted about on Monday with our Shark theme.  My son also drew a picture of a sting ray and colored it.

 When my first grader got home my oldest two decided to write stories with ocean related topics.  My first grader wrote about different types of sea creatures.  He called it "Fish in the Sea".  He wrote about whales, sharks, sea turtles, dolphins, starfish, tropical fish. jellyfish, octopus, and squid.  I helped him spell a few words, but he decided what to say and did all the writing, drawing, and coloring himself.
 My preschooler wrote a story about a family (our family) who went on a trip to the ocean.  We stopped and looked around for a sting ray.  It was hiding in a rock cave, but when it saw us it got curious and decided to come out and explore so we were able to see him.  He made up the story on his own and wrote the majority of it himself, although I helped him on the last page...things were getting wordy.  :)  And of course he drew and colored his own pictures.
I am enjoying having little authors in the house.

You can check our our other ocean themed days here:

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