Friday, December 9, 2011


Today we talked about reindeer.  I actually hadn't planned on doing this theme yet, but my son has been asking me to do reindeer stuff since Wednesday so we switched things up.  You can check out our reindeer theme from last year here.

Of course we have been singing, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" and we watched the classic movie with the same title. 
We did a fun flannel board story about Rudolph's nose color.
We did the Reindeer Hokey Pokey. ( my little one who is 21 months thought this was a hoot)

We did this fun Hand print and Paper Plate Reindeer.  I think it turned out cute.
 You can find this fun nose matching game in this Christmas Pack.
 This color by the shape reindeer can be found in this R is for Reindeer Unit.
 I found this cute craft on Pinterest.  My son picked out the eye and nose colors.  He told me the one with the orange nose is a boy and the one with the pink nose is a girl.
If you are looking for more ideas you can see what we did in 2009 and 2008.

abc button


  1. Cute Reindeer theme! He looks so proud in that top picture!

  2. I LOVE your handprint reindeer - so cute! Isn't crafting with kids around Christmas great!! I would love for you to come link up at my TGIF LInky Party - - I know my readers would love to see!!
    Merry Christmas,
    Beth =-)
