Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Letter W/Worms Preschool Theme

My older boys have been out of school for Spring Break, but they are back in session now and we got right back into doing preschool at home.  Today we talked about the letter W and worms!
I wasn't cool enough to have any actual worms on hand so we watched several videos to help us learn a bit about worms and we also check out National Geographic Kids for some worm facts.  
Here is a video of the book called Diary of a Worm by Jim Sheese.
Here is a video of a worm habitat.
Here is a video just showing worms moving about.
We did some activities from this Wacky Worm pack.
Including this cute stick worm puppet.
 We had fun doing a finger play about worms.  This site includes the words as well as a flannel board story and a song about worms.

Wiggle Worms

Wiggle your worm fast; then wiggle it s-l-o-w.

Wiggle your worm high; then wiggle it down low.

Wiggle your worm on your shoulder; then wiggle it on your head.

Wiggle your worm along your arm; then wiggle it along your leg.

Wiggle your worm behind of you; then wiggle it in front.

Wiggle your worm on your nose, what a silly willy stunt!

Wiggle your worm on your toes, then wiggle it towards the sky.

Now wiggle your worm down to the ground; and wave a sad 'good-bye'.

We did a little W craft.  I had my son paint with yarn onto a letter w so it looked worm like.  Then he cut and glued pieces of the yarn onto the w. Similar to this idea.
Then we played with gummy worms and made a snack.  We crushed up oreos and mixed them with some chocolate pudding and put gummy worms in the cup.
And that was our wormy day!

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