Monday, December 2, 2013

Gingerbread Men Ornament Recipe

 One of our favorite Christmas time activities is to make and decorate Gingerbread Men and hang them  on our Christmas tree.  We will be doing more gingerbread activities this week, but I wanted to share the recipe today.  My son and I made them this morning since they need 24 hours to set up.


  • 1 1/2 cups of cinnamon
  • 1 cup of applesauce
  • 1/3 cup of glue
Mix those ingredients together with a wooden spoon.  I then like to play with it to help it mold together.  This is a fun part for kids too.  I have noticed the more I play with it, the less crumbly and cracked looking it is.  Then roll the "dough" out and use a gingerbread man cookie cutter to make your men.
 It will vary on how big your gingerbread men are and how thin you roll it out, but we can get around 2 dozen using the entire recipe.
It is real simple and a lot of fun.  I poke holes in them so once they are decorated.  Stay tuned for more Gingerbread activities and to see the finished product of these this week!

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