Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bear Stays Up for Christmas

 I had some things to take care of this morning so we had a small preschool day.  We enjoy reading this book though so it was a perfect day for it.  Check out the story props pictured here. I let my son put up the pictures of each thing as he saw them in the book while I was reading.  After we finished the book I laid out the names of each thing and he matched those with the pictures.  He can recognize what things sound like and was able to figure out almost all of them completely on his own.  For example he knows that bear starts with the letter B so he looked for words that started with B.  There were two so then I guided him from there.  The only one that really tricked him was the word wren.
 Karma Wilson has a website with lots of things on it for teachers, parents, and children with all of her books.  I found this bear mask on her site.
Here is a link to several activities that go with the book if you want to spend more time on it.

If you are looking for some activities geared towards a little bit older child you can see what I did last year with my (at the time) five year old.


  1. I needed something to do this week and I just happen to have this book on loan from the library! What an awesome resource, thank you!
