Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Letter N/Nest Preschool Theme

My home computer is currently needed some repairs so I haven't been able to get onto it to access my preschool plans or Photoshop Elements so I will do what I can on our little, old laptop that is on it's last leg.
Today we did talk about the letter N and did nest printables with it.   
I got out our play doh and my son and I made nests, eggs, and birds.  He had a great time.  We spent over an hour doing that. Sometimes I forget that such simple things can bring such great entertainment.
 He had some really fun color combinations for his eggs and nests like the black and silver ones in the middle.
 Here is another great source filled with nest themed ideas.

We also read some favorite books that have nests and birds in them.  "Are You My Mother?" and "There is a Bird on Your Head".

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