Thursday, August 8, 2013

We are Home

We are back for our vacation.  We had a great time with wedding stuff and being at my parent's place.  We let the boys splash around in our pool and took them to a couple of parks.
 Here are some pictures of my boys with the beautiful bride.  :)

 Here are the boys showing off how cute they look at the reception in my home town.  Aren't the decorations adorable?
We are down to a couple of weeks left in Summer.  I can almost not believe it.  Soon I will have a 2nd grader and a kindergartener in the house.  That will me at home with my 3 year old doing preschool with him.  I admit I am excited to spend some one on one time doing preschool activities with him and getting a better idea of his learning style and what he is interested in.

We haven't done any planned activities since getting back to town, but I think we will do some more in the next couple of weeks before school starts.

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