Monday, June 10, 2013

Summer Journals

Well, it has been an embarrassing long time since I posted.  Sometimes life just gets ahead of you I suppose.  Anyway, my oldest is now out of school for the Summer and he loves to have things planned to do so hopefully I can be better at posting what we are doing throughout the Summer.
I bought the boys little journals to write in each night before bed about what they did throughout the day.  I liked these because they were made for young kids so there is a place to draw a picture and then large lines to make it easier to write.  You can see in my picture what the pages inside look like.
 Today we took some time decorating their journals.  Since my youngest doesn't read or write yet I gave him a journal with blank pages.  He can draw a picture and I will write a sentence or two down that he wants to write about the day.  Here they are with their journals.
 Here is a closer view of their journals.  I just used scrapbook paper and stickers we had on hand.  You could have your kids use pretty much anything to decorate.  I think they turned out cute.  We are excited to try them out!

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