Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer Loving: Activities for kids all summer long

I have been hopping around the internet looking at different ideas to do with my kids this summer.  There are lots of lists out there.  I compiled my own list and decided to share it on this blog.  The links on here are definitely worth checking out.  There are some creative, fun moms out there.  This list included 70 different activities to keep you and your children having fun this summer.

Crafts/Things to Make:
  1. Cereal necklace
  2. Write a Book
  3. Tin Foil Robots
  4. Recycle old crayons
  5. BouncingBubbles
  6. Sensory Balloons
  7. Ice cubepaint
  8. HomemadeDoodle Paint
  9. Make pinwheels
  10. NameMobiles
  11. Rattle SnakeBuddy
  12. Marshmallows and toothpick creations
  13. Buildsponge towers
  14. Volcanoesin a cup
  15. MarbleMazes
  16. Toy Truckpainting
  17. SpongePainting
  18. Kool-AidPainting
  19. Make Your Own Bouncy Ball
  20. DIY Sharpie Dyed Clothes
  21. DIY Bleach T-Shirt

Water Activities
  1. Water fightwith sponge balls
  2. Boats andtin foil
  3. Water SprayFight
  4. SpongeRelay
  5. WaterTable- diy 
  6. Chalk andWater

Games/Other Activities
  1. Read 15 minutes each day
  2. Treasure hunt
  3. Blow bubbles
  4. Bean Bag Toss
  5. Picnic
  6. Obstacle course
  7. Write using salt or sugar
  8. ShapeMuncher game 
  9. Make old pennies shiny with salt and vinegar
  10. Family GoFish Card Games
  11. ParachuteGames
  12. PipeCleaner and strainer games
  13. Oil andwater activities
  14. SwirlingColors Milk
  15. SoapExplosion
  16. Play board games and puzzles
  17. Play with Trio Blocks
  18. Play with trains/tracks
  19. Play with dinosaurs
  20. Play with Mr. Potato Head Stuff
  21. Play with Little People Stuff
  22. Ice Balloons
  23. Skylander Preschool Activities

Places to Go 
(Many are local to Utah)
  1. Library
  2. Bowling
  3. Gilgal Sculpture Garden 
  4. Cheap movie
  5. Park- feed ducks
  6. Antelope Island
  7. Cherry Hill 
  8. Hill Aerospace Museum 
  9. Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum
  10. Hogle Zoo
  11. Syracuse Family Fun Center
  12. Temple Square- scavenger hunt
  13. The Living Planet Aquarium
  14. Utah Botanical Center
  15. Wheeler Historic Farm 
  16. Clark Planetarium 
  17. Utah Field House of Natural History State ParkMuseum 
  18. Firefighter Museum (Tooele)
  19. Tooele Railroad Museum
  20. Eccles Dinosaur Park

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