Monday, June 25, 2012

Field Trip- Dinosaur Park

I am going to try to do a little field trip with my boys once a week.  Just something that gets us out of the house and is fun for all of us this summer.  Today we went to a Dinosaur Park and museum that isn't too far from where we live.  My oldest had gotten two free passes during the school year so it ended up being a sweet deal for us.

All of my children had a wonderful time and my husband and I did too.  My husband was a huge dinosaur lover growing up and I think that got passed down to our boys.  My 4 year old was a little weary of the noises that they had going on around the park.  He also was not a fun of the robotic dinosaurs they had inside their museum, but he was eager to read all of the plaques that told the name and information about each dinosaur.  My oldest told me that he didn't want to be a personal trainer anymore, but a paleontologist.  

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