Thursday, January 26, 2012


We talked about Penguins today.  We went over the life cycle of a penguin.  You can find the printable we used here.

We practiced waddling like penguins.
 We did this fun dot-to-dot.  You can find it at Making Learning Fun.
 We did this fun coloring page that also had you practice writing the letter "P".
 This is a penguin maze that we found in 2 Teaching Mommies Polar Land Pack.
 Then we decided to make a little treat in the shape of a penguin.  This wasn't a previously planned activity so I just looked around the house for things we could use on hand (my husband is a candy junkie).
 Here is a close up of it.  We took a part an oreo.  I cut one of the sides in half so we could have wings.  Then we put a hershey kiss on top for the head and cut an orange startburst up and used it for the feet.  My son thought it was great.

"March of the Penguins" or "Happy Feet" are fun penguin movies to watch as well.

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