Wednesday, December 14, 2011

How The Grinch Stole Christmas

Today we read "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" by Dr. Seuss.  After reading the book I asked my son if we would still have Christmas if we didn't get presents?  He decided that we could have Christmas still because we are celebrating Jesus' birthday.  We also talked a little about giving and receiving gifts.  I told him that we give gifts to show our love for other people and for Jesus.  People give us gifts for the same reason and we should show gratitude by saying thank you when we receive gifts.
 We did these fun activities that I found from Pottery Barn Kids Design Studio.
 He colored and cut out these Grinch Christmas ornaments to hand on the tree.
 He colored this maze and then used his finger to help the Grinch through the maze.
He colored this Grinch mask (he wanted it blue).  I cut this out for him.
 For the activity above I just made a copy of a picture straight out of the book.  Then I had my son tear pieces of green paper and glue them onto the Grinch so that it looked like fur.
I found this Grinch Cookie recipe and decided we better try them out.

We also watch the cartoon "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".

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  1. My 5 year old LOVES the Grinch story this year. We might have to try out those cookies! :)

    Stopping by from Show and Tell!


  2. Stopping by from the Blog Hop. Love your Grinch activities! Added you to my Grinch Pinterest board as well. ~Julie
