Monday, December 19, 2011


I started the day off by using the Little People Nativity Set (the angel, Mary, and the shepherd) to tell about the different times an angel appeared in relation to Christ's birth.  The first time that we discussed was when an angel appeared to Mary and told her she was going to have a very special baby and she was to name him Jesus.  I also reviewed the part where an angel appears to the shepherds to tell them that Jesus had been born in a stable.

Then we sang, "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing".  I loved both of those songs.

Musings of Me has some fun angel activities.  My son colored and traced the Little Angel Interactive Book and then we went through the story together having the angel do the different things that we read.  It was really cute and fun.  
 This is a shape angel we did out of vellum and cardstock.  I cut out the shapes and my son glued the pieces together.  We talked about each shape (triangle, hearts, and a circle)
 This paper cup angel was fun to do, however it did need a lot of adult help.  Again, I cut out the hearts and the circle for the face.  My son glued wiggly eyes on the circle and drew a nose and smile.  Then he glued on some hair that I cut from yarn (I only had white and green yarn...)  He wanted it to be a boy angel.  Then I poked a hole in the top of the cup and he stuck the pipe cleaner in the hole and we taped it in place and I made it look like a halo.  Then he glued on the hearts (vellum) for the wings.  I think it turned out cute. I asked him if he wanted to decorate the cup part, but he wanted to leave it white.
I was thinking that tracing paper might work for both of the above activities, but it wouldn't be quite as sturdy.  You could also just use card stock.

You can see our angel activities from last year here.

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