Count how many fingers we have on each hand
Talk about why we wash our hands
Open Them, Shut Them (finger play)
Sing “The Itsy, Bitsy Spider” using the hand actions
"I Have Ten Little Fingers" by Annie Kubler (do actions)
Sing “Fun with Hands” Tune of Row, Row, Row your Boat
Focus Activities:
Make a heart shape out of our hands- finger paint
Practice washing our hands
Play with play doh
Do somersaults, barrel crawl and other gross motor activities using our hands
Other Possibilities:
Trace our hand
"I'm a Little Teapot!" complied by Jane Cobb Illustrated by Magda Lazicka
Oh, I LOVE your ideas! I'm going to use these ideas if you don't mind! We are working on the letter "H" this week and next with my 3.5 and 1.5 year old. Followed over from the Show and Tell!