Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Gathering Time:
Talk about going to the dentist (experiences they had)
Focus Activities:
Practice brushing our teeth (go over all the areas we need to be sure to brush)
Activities from Musings of Me
Other Possibilities:
My son drew this picture of a tooth on our whiteboard.  He then put some yucky stuff on the tooth.
 After he brushed his teeth he came back, drew a toothbrush and toothpaste and erased the yucky stuff from his tooth.
 After we made our toothbrushes (see Focus Activities).  He pretended to brush more teeth he had drawn with the toothbrush.


  1. HI Heather,
    What fantastic activities! Thanks for the great ideas and for linking back to me :-)

  2. I'm also a boy mom! Boys rule :) I first found you thru mmb and really enjoy your blog! I passed on some blog awards to you! Click thru to Capital B for details! Haves great day!
