Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Santa Claus

Gathering Time:
The Night Before Christmas
Talk about different names that Santa goes by (Kris Kringle, Saint Nicholas…)
Read “I Believe in Santa Claus” by Diane G. Adamson (This is a wonderful book that points out similarities between Santa Claus and Jesus Christ)
I Believe in Santa Claus
Sing, “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”
Sing, “Up on the Housetop”
 Focus Activities:
Other Possibilities:
Personalized e-mail from Santa My children LOVE this!  We've watched each of their e-mails more than a dozen times.


  1. The bearded Santa is a sweet idea.

    Tonight I discovered a site where you can upload a picture from your house and merge it with a picture of Santa so that you are able to have a picture of Santa in your house. The details for this are in the link below:

  2. We love the Englebreit version of The night before Christmas. She is from our home city! Thanks for the activities to go along with it.
