Monday, September 9, 2013

Apple Preschool Theme

Today we did an Apple Theme for preschool.  I was real excited because my 3 year old loves apples!
 We started off by singing a couple of songs that you can find the words to here. I used these cards and we talked about how apples can be red, green, or yellow.
 Then we talked about where apples come from and how they grow on trees.  I used these sequencing cards from Making Learning Fun. They also have a lot of other fun activities including a coloring page of Johnny Appleseed so be sure to check that out.
 We also had a cutting activity.  My son is just starting to learn how to use scissors so he mostly just clipped around the edges which is about all I was expecting him to do, but he was sure excited about it.
 We did a file folder apple game where my son sorting the big apples from the little apples.
 We also did this matching game from Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter A is for Apple pack.  She has an entire pack of printables devoted to apple related and letter A stuff.
 We measured how many apples long my son was.  He thought it was pretty funny.  You can find that and other apple ideas here.
 We also taste tested apples.  Here is a chart I made for him to record his results.  I took pictures of the different varieties of apples, photoshopped the back out and put them on a chart for him to mark whether he liked or disliked the variety of apple.
 Here he is ready to taste test these apples.
 Here he is recording that he enjoyed golden delicious apples.
 Here is a close up of the apples.  I made little labels for them too with a picture of each apple.
 He didn't really care for the Granny Smith apples, but he loved the rest.
 Here is his paper.  Not sure if you can see it, but he put a line under like for each apple, but the Granny Smith.  He said the golden delicious was his favorite and Granny Smith was his least favorite.  He also tried, Gala, Pink Lady, and Fuji.
 We also painted with apples.  Just cut an apple in half and let your child stamp with it.  I have noticed that it works better if you cut the apple and let it dry out a little before you put paint on it.
 He was really excited to collect seeds in the apples as I was preparing them for our taste testing.
 Here is a fun little experiment we tried with baking soda, water, lemon juice, and the apple seeds. The link also has other fun apple activities.
We also did several activities from this Apple pack including this tracing activity.  
We also read "Ten Apples Up On Top" by Dr. Seuss.

Here are some easy Apple Crafts to check out.
Here is a cute snack idea using apples.
Here is an Apple Prek/K Pack we didn't use this time, but I'd like to in the future.
Here is a free Apple Pie Tree Lapbook that looks fun.
This site has a ton of apple ideas.
Here is another great resource for apple idea.

1 comment:

  1. Would you be willing to share the apple tasting graph you made? I teach preschool to a small group of kids in my home and came across your blog and absolutely loved all your ideas for the apple theme.


