Friday, December 16, 2011

Santa Claus

Today we talked about Santa Claus. We read some books about Santa.  Mary Engelbreit has a wonderfully illustrated "The Night Before Christmas" that we read.  We also read a book called  "I Believe in Santa Claus" by Diane G. Adamson.  In this book the similarities between Santa Claus and Jesus Christ are pointed out.  It also points out how Santa is a symbol of what Christmas is about.  Tami Greene was a guest writer on Latter-Day Homeschooling and she also had another idea for bringing out the similarities Santa has with Jesus.

Last year I shared a Curly-Beard Santa activity.  We did that again.  (Instructions here).  I found a cuter Santa template to use though here
 I cut the strips of paper 1/2 an inch this year instead of 1 inch, like last year.  My son colored Santa's hat red.
 My son glued these cotton balls onto a red triangle for a Santa Hat.
 I decided to combined the two previous projects.  I cute a hole in a paper plate and had my son glue his Santa Hat on the top of it.  Then we curled some more paper and glued it to the bottom so we could have this Santa Claus Face.  I think it turned out.  Your child could put way more paper strips on the bottom half of the paper plate if they wanted too.
 A personalized e-mail from Santa is a must at our house with how much my kids love it!  If you don't do anything else, check out this.  It is worth it, I promise and it only takes a couple of minutes on your part to get it put together even my 21 month old has watched the video e-mails a dozen times and giggles throughout them.
 Little Piles Everywhere has a Christmas Pack that I've linked several times.  Included with this size ordering Santa.
 Since Santa's belly jiggles like a bowl full of jelly we made some jello jigglers to remind of us of that jiggle belly.  Unfortunately I don't have a Santa cookie cutter so we had to make due with candy cane and stocking shapes.
You can check out our Santa Claus Post from last year for more ideas.  Here is a Santa Hat we did a couple of years ago.

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  1. Now this is adorable. I'm pinning this for next year.

    Merry Christmas! Stopped by from Show & Tell BH.

  2. This is really a great read for me. Thank you for publishing articles having a great insight stimulates me to check more often for new write ups. Keep posting!


  3. I would love to include the paper plate santa in my 2013 Christmas Activity Advent Countdown. I would include a pic and then link to your site for directions. If you would prefer that I didn't share it in the countdown, please let me know. =)

  4. i must thank you for the efforts you've put in penning this blog.
